Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Chain Guards - You Likey?

Been thinking about chain guards. With the resurgence of interest in commuter bikes and townies, it seems chain guards aren't as taboo as they once were. The handbuilt bike show featured many minimalistic custom chainguards. Not everyone wants to roll up their pant legs each time they ride a bike. So--- is it going to become "OK" to sport chain guards/chain covers on your Double Cross?

A Japanese associate of our recently turned us on to an existing two-piece chainguard which would be adaptable to most bikes with a front derailleur. Not as elegant as a one-piece, but I don't know of an aftermarket one-piece that works with bikes with a front derailleur.

Let us know if you think this is a product you'd buy or NOT buy -- and please explain why. We may bring them in for our Soma dealers or put them on our web store if there is enough interest.


  1. I don't use gears, but I sure would like to see a quality 130bcd chainguard. Sort of similar to a cyclocross bashguards but smooth, clean lines. And with a 48t max!

    Guess I could grind the teeth off of a 50t, but it wouldn't be as nice.

  2. Chain guards and fenders are a great idea. For me, it's time to leave the "Just Like Lance" club and move on to why I started riding again in the first place. So....fenders and chain guard on my next bike? A good probability.

  3. Yes I like. I commute and would like to worry less about greasing up my pants. Ankle bands and rolling up my leg are just not as desirable.

  4. I'd definitely like something like the one shown. Just something to keep the grease off my pants (or ankles).

  5. I like the idea of something simple, classy, and sturdy.

  6. SWEET............I would buy one in a minute. I have only seen geared chainguards on the old french bikes(such as simplex)

  7. hell yeah i would buy those!!! my wife shreaded her pants 2 days in a row!

  8. I would buy one for every bike I have, dirt and road!!!

    That's 6 sold right here!

    Spencer Baker

  9. I'd buy one if I had a bike with a front derailleur. How about a one-piece guard for a fixed gear, or the bashguard-style type.

  10. I am building up a old ti road frame for a street commuter. This looks perfect, so how can I purchase this item.

  11. This is a product I'm sure many people would be interested in. I was searching the web, with no luck, trying to find exactly this.

  12. For you one-speeders you could try a herbie chain glider. Although I have never used this product Its the only relatively adaptable and easy to install guard I know of.

  13. hey..These are available on the Soma Shop and Rivendell sites now.

  14. What about chain guards for the fixed gears and the single speed bikes? I'd think that would be very useful.

  15. Just what I've been looking for! My city bike has front and rear derailleur and I sometime opt for the folder with the internal 8-speed hub, just because it has a chain guard. We need to use bikes more it the US. Making it possible for doing that in street clothes furthers the cause. Please, bring it on!!



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