Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Benotto "Cello-Tape" is Back!

First a dainty piece of bicycle history pie about Benotto Bicycles. Started in Italy by the Benotto family, they moved to Mexico in the 80's (it's rumored romance sparked the move ooo-la-la). Benotto Handlebar Tape was THE handlebar tape to have on your bike in the 70's and 80's. It's plastic, light, shiny and comes in 14 colors!!! Get it if you are into the vintage look, get it if you want something sleeker looking than cork, get thee to our store!
Benotto Tape in that logo


  1. Benotto is the best bar tape...EVER! I have won more races outright, using it, than most will ever even enter. In the 80's if you didn't have "Cello-tape" you were a poser! Totally Aero and minimalist. The perfect accessory for any fast bike. Glad it is back. My stash is running low. I bought all a local bike shop had in stock in 1990 and only have 2 sets left. My first dog found my stash in 1992 and chewed a lot of it up! LOL

  2. You are an insane douche or a plant, sir.


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