Monday, June 20, 2011

Salt Lake City's Velo Weekend is THIS Weekend

Velo City Bags presents VELO WEEKEND! A whole weekend of bike events: Critical Mass, Tall Bike Jousting, Alley Cat, Trick Comp and Sprints! Registration is $20 and gets you a t-shirt, automatic entry into alley cat, trick comp, sprints and raffle, along with lots of other goodies from our sponsors. Go to and register now.

We are sending out pairs of our heavy duty (but gentle on your rims) Steel Core Tire Levers, but only enough for 50 registrants.

Friday, June 24:
3 PM Last-minute Registration @ Fresh
5:30 PM Critical Mass @ Galliva...n
7:00 PM Tall Bike Joust @ Vertical Diner

Saturday, June 25:
1 PM Alleycat @ SLC Bicycle Co.
3 PM Freestyle Trick Comp.@ Cakewalk Baking Co.
8 PM Salt City Sprints and Raffle @ Pie Hole

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