Friday, September 28, 2012

Bikes and Babies

The BBC series, "Call The Midwife is "a moving and intimate insight into the colorful world of midwifery and family life in 1950’s East London" 

It debuts on PBS this Sunday, Sept. 30. (Check your local stations.)

Why should you care? Practical cycling is featured prominently throughout the show.

As Tansy Rayner Roberts blogs, "The bicycle is an essential icon of the series, with the nurses all flying every which way on wheels to get to their charges and appointments, often through streets that are thick with people and/or deep fog. They represent very much the independence and hard work of the midwives, and Chummy’s inability to ride a bike was a beautiful if quite sad at times example of how out of place she was among them, and how she was going to have to work so much harder to be a useful member of the team."

The video reveals how the actors felt about riding the vintage bicycles on set. 
If you catch it, let us know what you think of it. More clips at


  1. It's Tansy Rayner Roberts, not Tanya.

  2. The bicycle is an essential icon of the series, with the nurses all flying every which way on wheels to get to their charges and appointments,


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