Now Cardiff sends us the "Cornwall", "Mercia" and "Wessex". The leather shell is the same shape on all three, so the models are only differentiated by the type of rivets and rails. We have to say they are all quite handsome. The cowhide is thick and durable. Hardware is simple and sturdy. One guy here has been riding one of these for 2 months. He had re-adjust the tightness once and recommends maybe adding some low strength lock-tite to the threads.

The Cardiff "Cornwall" (Standard steel rivets, chrome plate CrMo rails; the most affordable of the three at $80.00)

The Cardiff "Mercia" (with hammered copper plated rivet and copper-plated rails. $100)

The Cardiff "Wessex" (chrome-plated coil spring model, $100)
The adjustment is handled by an Allen key. There is also wrench to hold the nut in place while turning the adjustment bolt.