MashSF is putting two events including the Twin Peaks Time Trial on Sunday (which includes a race for geared bikes, too) And who can forget the high profile Red Bull Ride+Style event this Saturday. This all happening in the city which I first spied a One Less Fixie sticker 6 years ago. If the collective passion for fixed gear is losing steam, it is doing it very slowly. The "rage" of fixed gear haters may peter out first at this rate.

We are totally looking forward the Red Bull event.... not just to see the some of the more talented riders from around the world, but the art as well.
We were able to get our hands on the competitor's official schedule:
NOON: Qualifying for Track
1:15: Round of 16 riders Begins / Freestyle course closed for practice
3:00PM - Track Finals / Freestyle course open for practice
3:20PM - Freestyle Heat 1 begins (followed by Heat 2, 3 + 4)
4:40PM - Freestyle Finals
5:30PM - Awards Ceremony (Track + Freestyle)