Monday, May 4, 2009

Momentum Magazine Adding San Francisco Section

Photo above is of Mia Kohout (Momentum's
Director of Advertising & Marketing) with
her Soma Buena Vista (built by
American Cyclery).
By Dustin Jensen.

Canadian-based Momentum Magazine (the magazine for self-propelled people!) has included extra pages of local content for their copies distributed in Vancouver. This month they are launching local content versions of Momentum in Chicago and San Francisco. Can't wait to see it. Momentum will have Bay Area Launch party on Thursday, May 28 at Exit 154 (154 7th St betw. Howard and Mission).


Dustin said...

HI! I'm excited to see my photo in your blog! I had a blast hanging out with Mia while she was in town. Can you credit me with a link to my Website?

I often have shots of people riding SOMA bikes on my flickr

Like this one that was published in momentum. Feel free to use any photos from stream on your blog with a credit back to my Website.


Stan said...

Sure thing, Dustin.
Thanks for the offer.

Jeff said...

Why does nobody ever answer the emails? It's quite frustrating and annoying.