Also, the Sturmey Archer 3-speed shifter we put up on the site a couple days ago is selling quite well. We have also been getting emails to increase our internally geared lineup, and maybe offer hubs by themselves. We have had our IGGY wheelset around for a while; it uses the S-RF3 hub, which is a 3 speed non-coaster model that we like a lot. It has solid engagement, a good looking finish, and the standard gear spread. We have been lacing them up to a 36-hole box section rim of ours with our track hub up front. The rims look good on a variety of bikes, and more and more people are looking (especially in hilly areas like we have here) for a little versatility while maintaining a clean aesthetic.
Anyway, this brings us to our question for you all, which is: what other hubs would you like to see us carry? 3-speed coaster? 5-speed? Drum brake hubs? Let us know!
Man I'm waiting for someone to have (XL)FD(D) (Aka 70 or 90 mm dyno or not front drum hub) laced to a quality rim.
The S3X is the obvious choice, but I'll be needing something for a 135mm spaced rear end. Laced to Deep-Vs.
The XLDD/XLD is looking good. Does anyone have experience with the 70 versus the 90mm drum?
We got the chance to ride the S3X for a while and we liked it as well.
I'd also be interested in 5 speed wheel sets, especially for SF with its' hills... I believe the S-A is also making a 5-Speed bar end shifter (which can also mount to down-tube shifter braze-ons)... anyhow, just putting it out there.
Leave the 90mm hubs for tandems and large wheel longtail cargo bikes where they belong.
For everything else, all you need is the 70mm drum brakes and proper 4-finger cantilever brake levers.
Do you carry an alloy three-speed hub?
I wouldn't say the XL's are more than needed, many people have (in the past) commented that the 70mm are a bit weak for they're uses. I'd have to say I'm most interested in the 90mm.
I am interested in 5-speed SA wheel set as well!
So here is roughly the direction we're heading:
S3X hubs in Silver and Black, 120mm and 130mm spacing, 36h, with the option of the thumb or bar-end shifter. Full range of cogs from 14-18t.
We have talked to a lot of folks and done some riding on the drum hubs and have found that 70mm is a good place to start, so the 70mm in both drum and drum/dynamo.
For rears, doing the S-RF3, 5 and 8 speed hubs, the 3 with thumb and bar-end, the 5 with thumb, the 8 with bar-end. We'll definitely continue to offer the bar-end and thumb shifters separately, but offering them as a kit lets you get what you want out of the box.
One more thing we're looking at doing: offering up these hubs (at the freewheel 3, 5 and 8 speed) in a similar setup to our Iggy wheelset. This will let you have a great all-around pre-built wheel, with the different shifter options, a nice bolt-on Soma track hub up front, and stiff but reasonable box rims.
The feedback has been great, and we've tried to cover most of the bases. We will probably add to the line down the road, but we feel like this offering will give everyone something and we really love the idea of more folks on internally-geared hubs.
Whatcha think?
Another vote for the 5 speed here. Also I didn't know they were making bar end shifters for the for the 8 speed hubs, do you have any more info on them?
Our bad- those don't come with any shifter option outside of gripshifters.
5 speed!!! I have the Soma Iggy 3 speed. It is awesome! would love to build a 5 speed with 120mm rear spacing.
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