We have never really considered advertising in publications outside of cycling, not that they we had anything against them, but usually they are more pricey than we can afford. Wend is an outdoor magazine, but not quite the behemoth that Outside is. They asked repeatedly for us to be in it. We read the freebie issues they sent us and were quite awed by the stories and photos adventure and wanderlust. Our interest was piqued, but kind of forgot about it for a while. But then we just happened to connect with photographer/adventurer Rick Gunn around the same time. He offered to let us use some of the photos from his trip around the world. That's him with his Soma Groove in the background.
Our first ad is in Issue 2 which features photos from the wekeepgoing.com guys and the one above with Rick will be in Issue 3. Try to find Wend on the newstand. Tell us what you think of the magazine. We want to get an idea how many bike riding people read it/like it, etc.