We say "au revior" to the elegant Deep Red ES next year. (Our boss loves that color.) Replacing it will be a Nickel color, that will definitely open up options for those whose like to experiment with different colored bar tape and components; however we envision it to look bad-ass with just all black parts.
By the way, look for Momentum Magazine to be featuring an ES in its pages soon. They have
Chris, the marketing guy from Rickshaw Bags, testing a 66cm ES currently for the "Bikes for Tall People" feature.
please please PLEASE offer this color as an option for the Double Cross DC. Looks SWEET, I'm almost re-evaluating whether I need disc brakes or not. ;)
This might have been asked before about the older ES. Does it have threaded brake bridge and chainstay bridge for direct mount fenders?
by the way that's a great color.
I've been looking for a silver surly pacer to build up but this pretty new es color may take its place. What a beautiful color! But I can't find a matching fork (not the classic fork) on the store site.
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